πŸ“€ XIII - **Classic (2003)**

World’s Largest Cheat Sheet Guide

Using the latest patch Download 🩹 [**Here**](<https://www.moddb.com/downloads/start/140799>)

(PC) Steam Version


The Ultimate Cheatsheet_

β€œNumber XIII is still alive!”

Welcome to the ultimate cheat sheet for the classic XIII game from 2003. This has been a personal project since I only found a few places with any helpful info on cheats I want to give back to an awesome community and spread some fun. Enjoy the codes and see the bottom for more info.

There are two ways to use cheats β€œwith” quotes and without. It’s helpful to know that if you play XIII without cheats enabled, you can still use some cheats/codes but the Log-Version is recommended. Below are the two versions, Happy Modding!😁


Or Allow Cheat True

  1. Launch XIII.exe with the log active (from the XIII/system folder) choice a method to enable the log:
  1. Switch windows with Window Button , Alt + Tab or Alt + Enter

  2. Enter either into the log:

    Set LevelInfo bAllowCheat True


    *s*et levelinfo ballowcheat 1

  3. Switch to the game and press [F2]

  4. Use the codes below, Stay Jolly!

FOV 100 Summon XIII.m16pick ShowDebug ShowDebug2 RestartLevel SwitchLevel Plage00 Open Plage00


Or Allow Cheat False

Without the console just add the one word command word in quotes (sometimes no quotes). This is just running the game without opening the log and allowing cheats.